Monday, November 5, 2007

Google is on the verge of launching a new mobile platform, Android

It will be called Android and it includes a user interface, a middleware and OS. This complete platform enables Google to compete with Symbian and Windows Mobile, at a time when the mobile Internet is beginning to take off.

Google says that this truly open and comprehensive platform for Linux mobiles will work either with Google's applications or others'.

34 telcos and Google, members of the Open Handset Alliance, have joined their effort in order to bring to developers, wireless operators and handsets manifactorers a tool that will make it easy for them to come ouyt with innovative products to the 3 billion mobile users that the world counts. "Today's announcement is more ambitious than any single 'Google Phone' that the press has been speculating about over the past few weeks. Our vision is that the powerful platform we're unveiling will power thousands of different phone models." said Eric Schmidt Google's CEO. Well this really ends this late discussion that took place in several blogs about the Gphone!

My hope is that the Android will participate to make handsets less expansive and as well featured as possible.

More details about Android are available in a confcall made by John Biggs with Eric Schmidt at CrunchGear , liveblogging

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