Friday, February 1, 2008

Microsoft makes an offer of $44.6 billion to acquire Yahoo!

According to some serious sources from, this is the third time that a rumor like that is spread over the net-economy.

It was the same during the first half of 2006, and 2007 and today, Microsoft comes back with this huge offer of $44.6 billion, i.e $31 per share!

This offer might have been rejected by the past, but today things are a little bit different, Yahoo's share is being treated arround $31/share during last year and its paid search activity is not really doing well.

Steve Ballmer, the CEO of Microsoft seemed to be conifdent about his company's chances this time during a conference call where he explained this new bid. Moreover, he even assured that Google cannot bit Microsoft on this deal simply because Google is controlling now about 75% of the paid search activity and by the antitrust laws, they cannot acquire Yahoo.

Eric Schonlfeld from, has tried to make a comparaison between Microsoft, Yahoo and Google in the following table:

Monday, January 28, 2008

Read Writer Web blog demo08

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Yahoo is to reduce its workforce by 20%

Yahoo has announced that a decision to reduce it sworkforce by 20% was taken. In fact talks about this workforce reduction, have been doing the rounds since the Yahoo former CEO Terry Semel leaving in June 2007.

Yahoo's workforce counts 12,000 and this purge will really be a big strike. According to comScore, the traffic towards different Yahoo applicatons and products is still ahead of Google. But it is not as profitable as Google's.

The Sunnyvale company is actually trying through this move to giv ea strong push to its stock that has poorly performed during the last year and to stay ahead.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Facebook has finally joined the DataPortability Workgroup

Duncan Riley, one of the Techcrunch writer has just announced that Facebook has really joined Google and Plaxo to the DataPortability Workgroup. A surprising news since Facebook previous choice was to stay within a very closed standards.

"The DataPortability Workgroup is actively working to create the ‘DataPortability Reference Design’ to document the best practices for integrating existing open standards and protocols for maximum interoperability (and here’s the key area) to allow users to access their friends and media across all the applications, social networking sites and widgets that implement the design into their systems."

More to come about this new "volte face".

Referencement et Optimisation de sites Internet !