Friday, February 1, 2008

Microsoft makes an offer of $44.6 billion to acquire Yahoo!

According to some serious sources from, this is the third time that a rumor like that is spread over the net-economy.

It was the same during the first half of 2006, and 2007 and today, Microsoft comes back with this huge offer of $44.6 billion, i.e $31 per share!

This offer might have been rejected by the past, but today things are a little bit different, Yahoo's share is being treated arround $31/share during last year and its paid search activity is not really doing well.

Steve Ballmer, the CEO of Microsoft seemed to be conifdent about his company's chances this time during a conference call where he explained this new bid. Moreover, he even assured that Google cannot bit Microsoft on this deal simply because Google is controlling now about 75% of the paid search activity and by the antitrust laws, they cannot acquire Yahoo.

Eric Schonlfeld from, has tried to make a comparaison between Microsoft, Yahoo and Google in the following table:

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