Monday, November 5, 2007

Doing real estate business by text SMS

HouseFront, a US start-up has launched a new service based on text SMS, that will really make buying a new home a matter of minutes!. All one has to do is to just send the home's address followed with "house"to a short number 46873. Then, all details about this house are sent back a moment later " from its estimated worth to the number of bedrooms and baths. There is another possibility for users, which is to post comments about houses to help others to make their minds about one or th eother of the houses offered to them on this site. Users can also save thier searching results on th ewebsite for a later use.

Other sites which are based on this same principal (of text SMS commercial use) launched slsewhere. In the UK, there is this auto-pricing guide publisher Parkers, which lets users get all a car's information just by sending text SMS's. And according to springwise, other similar sites are being launched.

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